| \ `------- CAPPED --------, \ Turning Fruits into Juice | / /_ TITLE: Where Have All The Pixels Gone? (CRT Capture) BY: CMU Computer Club UPLOADER: lroop [71918] [Captured using a camera aimed at the Vectrex CRT. Audio recorded through an add-on preamp board with line output to record high-quality audio without the Vectrex 'buzz'.] WATCH AT http://capped.tv/cmu_computer_club-where_have_all_the_pixels_gone POUET: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=59227 BINARY: http://www.club.cc.cmu.edu/demos/where_have_all_the_pixels_gone/demo184.bin Capped - Turning Fruits into Juice Have something you want juiced? http://Capped.TV/upload.php